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영어 3형식과 4형식 동사 구분 연습문장 100개

by 별난붓 2024. 12. 26.

영어 3 형식과 4 형식 동사 구분 연습문장 100개


3 형식: 주어(S) + 동사(V) + 목적어(O).

예: I gave a book.

4 형식: 주어(S) + 동사(V) + 간접목적어(IO) + 직접목적어(DO).

예: I gave him a book.

4 형식을 3 형식으로 바꿀 때 전치사 "to", "for", 또는 **"of"**를 사용하여 간접목적어를 표현합니다.

문장 세트 (4 형식 → 3 형식)



계엄령과 탄핵: 영어로 알아보는 주요 표현과 과정

계엄령과 탄핵: 영어로 알아보는 주요 표현과 과정계엄령(Martial Law)계엄령은 국가 비상사태 시 군대가 일반 시민의 질서를 유지하기 위해 통치 권한을 행사하는 상태를 의미합니다. 일반적으로


1-20. 전치사 "to" 사용

I gave him a pen. → I gave a pen to him.

She sent me a letter. → She sent a letter to me.

We told them the truth. → We told the truth to them.

He handed her the keys. → He handed the keys to her.

They offered us a job. → They offered a job to us.

She showed him the photo. → She showed the photo to him.

I taught her English. → I taught English to her.

He lent me his car. → He lent his car to me.

We brought them some food. → We brought some food to them.

She passed him the salt. → She passed the salt to him.

He gave her a bouquet of flowers. → He gave a bouquet of flowers to her.



To부정사를 뒤로 배치할 수 있는 형용사와 예문 모음

To부정사를 뒤로 배치할 수 있는 형용사와 예문 모음설명To부정사를 뒤로 배치할 수 있는 형용사들은 주어의 상태, 감정, 성향, 가능성 등을 설명하며, to부정사가 이를 더 구체적으로 설명하는


She sent her parents a postcard. → She sent a postcard to her parents.

I wrote him a note. → I wrote a note to him.

They told us a funny story. → They told a funny story to us.

He handed me his business card. → He handed his business card to me.

She offered the man some advice. → She offered some advice to the man.

We taught them the rules of the game. → We taught the rules of the game to them.

He showed his friend the way. → He showed the way to his friend.

I gave her a ride. → I gave a ride to her.

She brought me a drink. → She brought a drink to me.



비교급과 최상급 형태가 두 가지인 형용사 이해 및 활용법

비교급과 최상급 형태가 두 가지인 형용사 이해 및 활용법 형용사들의 두 가지 형태와 예문1. Polite (정중한)비교급: politer / more polite He is politer than his classmates.그는 그의 반 친구들보다 더 정중하


21-40. 전치사 "for" 사용

She made him a cake. → She made a cake for him.

I bought her a gift. → I bought a gift for her.

He cooked us dinner. → He cooked dinner for us.

They reserved her a table. → They reserved a table for her.

She got him a ticket. → She got a ticket for him.

I found them a good hotel. → I found a good hotel for them.

He built her a house. → He built a house for her.



접속사와 접속부사의 차이: 초보자를 위한 쉬운 설명과 예문 30세트

접속사와 접속부사의 차이: 초보자를 위한 쉬운 설명과 예문 30세트 접속사와 접속부사의 차이점접속사 (Conjunction)역할: 두 개의 절(주어 + 동사 포함)을 연결하거나 단어, 구(phrase)를 연결함.특징


We saved him a seat. → We saved a seat for him.

She prepared us a meal. → She prepared a meal for us.

He made me a sandwich. → He made a sandwich for me.

They bought her some flowers. → They bought some flowers for her.

I found him a solution. → I found a solution for him.

She painted her mother a picture. → She painted a picture for her mother.

He fixed us the computer. → He fixed the computer for us.

I made them a cup of tea. → I made a cup of tea for them.

She wrote her friend a letter. → She wrote a letter for her friend.

He saved me a lot of trouble. → He saved a lot of trouble for me.

We reserved them a spot. → We reserved a spot for them.

She cooked her family a feast. → She cooked a feast for her family.

He bought me some coffee. → He bought some coffee for me.



쉬는 시간을 잠시 쉬자를 나타내는 영어 표현과 실생활 대화 30선

쉬는 시간을 잠시 쉬 자를 나타내는 영어 표현과 실생활 대화 30선1. Take fiveA: "You look tired, Anna. Why don't you take five?"B: "You're right. I'll grab a coffee and relax for a bit."(A: "너 피곤해 보여, Anna. 잠깐 쉬는


41-60. 전치사 "of" 사용

She asked him a favor. → She asked a favor of him.

I demanded her an explanation. → I demanded an explanation of her.

They requested us an answer. → They requested an answer of us.

He begged her forgiveness. → He begged forgiveness of her.

I required him a signature. → I required a signature of him.

She inquired him the details. → She inquired the details of him.

He asked us a solution. → He asked a solution of us.

They demanded him a refund. → They demanded a refund of him.

She required them an apology. → She required an apology of them.


I begged her an opportunity. → I begged an opportunity of her.

He requested me a chance. → He requested a chance of me.

We asked them a response. → We asked a response of them.

They demanded me an explanation. → They demanded an explanation of me.

She inquired us the procedure. → She inquired the procedure of us.

I begged him a moment of his time. → I begged a moment of his time of him.

He required her an answer. → He required an answer of her.

She requested me some help. → She requested some help of me.

They demanded him an immediate decision. → They demanded an immediate decision of him.

He asked her a clear statement. → He asked a clear statement of her.

I requested them their cooperation. → I requested their cooperation of them.



쉬는 시간을 잠시 쉬자를 나타내는 영어 표현과 실생활 대화 30선

쉬는 시간을 잠시 쉬 자를 나타내는 영어 표현과 실생활 대화 30선1. Take fiveA: "You look tired, Anna. Why don't you take five?"B: "You're right. I'll grab a coffee and relax for a bit."(A: "너 피곤해 보여, Anna. 잠깐 쉬는


61-100. 혼합 연습

She sent him a package. → She sent a package to him.

I gave her a book. → I gave a book to her.

They made us a promise. → They made a promise to us.

He bought me some chocolate. → He bought some chocolate for me.

She cooked her friend a meal. → She cooked a meal for her friend.

I asked her a question. → I asked a question of her.

He told me a secret. → He told a secret to me.

She showed him the document. → She showed the document to him.

We offered them a discount. → We offered a discount to them.

He built us a cabin. → He built a cabin for us.

She lent me her notebook. → She lent her notebook to me.

They sent him an email. → They sent an email to him.

I taught her math. → I taught math to her.

He handed her the papers. → He handed the papers to her.

We gave them a tour. → We gave a tour to them.

She found him a tutor. → She found a tutor for him.

He brought me a chair. → He brought a chair for me.

They told her a lie. → They told a lie to her.



분사의 쓰임: 초보자를 위한 형용사적 용법과 분사구문 완벽 이해

분사의 쓰임: 초보자를 위한 형용사적 용법과 분사구문 완벽 이해1. 현재분사: 명사를 꾸미는 경우현재분사는 동사에 -ing를 붙여 **‘~하는’, ‘~하고 있는’**이라는 진행의 의미로 사용됩니다.


She painted me a portrait. → She painted a portrait for me.

He fixed us a lightbulb. → He fixed a lightbulb for us.

I showed them the new design. → I showed the new design to them.

She gave me a compliment. → She gave a compliment to me.

They bought her a necklace. → They bought a necklace for her.

He offered us a solution. → He offered a solution to us.

She sent me a package. → She sent a package to me.

We wrote him a recommendation. → We wrote a recommendation for him.

He told her a story. → He told a story to her.

She made me a promise. → She made a promise to me.

I gave her a chance. → I gave a chance to her.

They sent me an invitation. → They sent an invitation to me.



가정법 문법 마스터하기: If + 주어 + were to / should와 도치의 이해

가정법 문법 마스터하기: If + 주어 + were to / should와 도치의 이해If + 주어 + were to / should 가정법 문법 상세 설명 가정법에서 **"If + 주어 + were to"**와**"If + 주어 + should"**는 현재나 미래에 일어날 가


She cooked us breakfast. → She cooked breakfast for us.

He found her a good lawyer. → He found a good lawyer for her.

I wrote her a thank-you note. → I wrote a thank-you note for her.

She gave him a phone call. → She gave a phone call to him.

He bought me a movie ticket. → He bought a movie ticket for me.

We sent her a birthday card. → We sent a birthday card to her.

She handed me the book. → She handed the book to me.

They lent us a car. → They lent a car to us.

He made her a cup of coffee. → He made a cup of coffee for her.

I asked him a favor. → I asked a favor of him.



수의 일치와 시제의 일치: 초보자도 이해할 수 있는 쉬운 설명과 예문

수의 일치와 시제의 일치: 초보자도 이해할 수 있는 쉬운 설명과 예문수의 일치란?수의 일치는 주어와 동사의 수가 같아야 한다는 영어 문법 규칙입니다. 주어가 단수이면 동사도 단수형을 사용


